Providing a home for non-releasable and permanently injured wild animals which are incorporated into environmental education programs.
Ohio Nature Education is a private non-profit volunteer organization which provides a home for over fifty wild animals that can no longer live in the wild. We incorporate these animals into environmental education programs for people of all ages. Our customers include schools, Scout troops, libraries, garden clubs, senior centers, metro parks, and community centers. Our programs include live education animals and collections of study skins, nests, and other natural materials useful as aids in learning about nature. We are able to utilize different formats for our programs— both in-person and virtual— and can customize for groups of any size and age range.
Our Educational Programs
Our programs include live education animals and collections of study skins, nests, and other natural materials useful as aids in learning about nature. Ohio Nature Education has special permits from the Ohio Division of Wildlife and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service which allow us to provide these materials and include live animals in our programs.
Our Animal Ambassadors
Those of you who have seen us conduct programs know that we view our education animals as valuable education tools -- ambassadors for their wild cousins. They are NOT pets and we never treat them as such.
How to Help Our Efforts
Ohio Nature Education receives no tax dollars, no state funding, and no federal funding. We exist solely on program fees, donations, and grants. The amount of money that we generate directly correlates with how many animals that we can provide a permanent home for or rehabilitate and release.
Partners in Education
This aviary is a partnership between Preservation Parks and Ohio Nature Education to provide an up-close view of the non-releasable birds. Different species will be rotated throughout the year. Each bird has a unique story to share, so come visit often!
“Ohio Nature Education brings both interest and a plethora of knowledge to the classroom in a unique and fascinating approach.”
— 2nd Grade Teacher, Bexley City Schools
Our Corporate Sponsors
The Energy Cooperative
Delaware County Foundation
Crooked Door Studio
Johnstown Animal Hospital
Wild Birds Unlimited (Reynoldsburg, Dublin,
Westerville, and Canal Winchester)
Rookie Mage Games
Amos Family Donor Advised Fund thru Delaware County Foundation